Friday, 30 March 2012

Bundle with me

Like I promise you guys, I will teach you how to teach isn't a fit word, I will 'tell' you guys..haha..
Like some of friends having a trouble to make a deal with the dealers..ya ya I know, they a one tough dealer..siap ble buat muka garang like 'this is my price, you like or not'..hahaha..But I used to this kind of face..u tough and I'm tougher..hahaha..handle this situation, I used to make myself buruk2 cuma, wear something simple, not showing to much, if you have to wear slippers then wear slippers..

Make sure you have small money, and don't give them RM50, if you got a lot of RM1 even better..If they saw u got the blue money they will go 'uuhh..why bargain if u got's only rm18 la..' Rm18 is still expensive for a bundlers..RM10 for second hand stuff is okay..I used to buat muka 10'cannot ka maci?, I only got rm5 in my wallet..rm5 la maci can??' haha..It always work for me..sometimes if she don't agree with my price I just walk away, yup, it's hurt when you found something rare but you have to let go..But it will teach the dealers that their stuff isn't attractive at all to me *while dalam hati sepa tau..haha But no worries, you loss this time you will find something else next time..And the jual mahal thing mesti ada dlm diri..Sometimes I just go like' hemm maci sampai tua la ko bejual, klu begitu harga kau bagi, surely no one will buy..' everyone there will go agree with you..believe me!

Sometimes I make friend with them, sambil pilih2 and chitchat..while chitchat I'll do the bargain..haha..If they become your friend easy for you next time, you don't have to bargain, they will give you a good price, sometimes they will stock it for you the New stuff *we used to call it Barang Baru or Buka baru

Sometimes, when you see something you really like, first you ask for price, when they tell you their price, you ask if can go lower, If they cut RM 2 from the first price, then you check *example bags, you check the bag condition, if got torn anywhere, if the color faded, or the zip is off..tell the dealer about the condition, and give them your price.. if first price is rm15, then after the bargain she give you rm13, you ask her for RM8..that's your price!


  1. OMG! pandainya sis tawar-menawar.
    Mau tanya sis, kalau tue barang ada tanda harga still bole krg ka tue or fixed price?
    Di KK bundle mana yg byk brg2 branded yang lawa2?

    1. oh lupa mo bg tau, yg branded mmg susa cari, tp klu mo yg lawa2 pagi ahad, bundle kg.air KK..terlalu byk choice..

  2. 1.mmg sometimes ada brg yg ada tag, mcm kedai punya tag, means itu bkn second hand, even pun br kita masi ble tawar..sbb itu adalah brg yg x laku d negara lain dan d jual ke negara lain secara pukal dlm harga yg murah..some tag d tulis dlm yen, some d tulis dlm dolar..

    2. klu tag tuh adalah dr dealer tuh sendri, pun kita masi bule tawar..dia letak tag supaya kita tidak payah tanya 'maci baju sebelah sini ni brapa?' sbb kita suda nmpk..aku slalu bila nmpk tag nih trus tanya' maci bule ka klu rm8 (if arga baju tuh rm12 ka)' klu dia ckp tidak bule, letak balik n pigi tempat lain, sbb masi byk lg yg kita ble bli d tmpt lain, manatau jumpa lg cantik n lagi mura tidak merugikan klu tidak jg jumpa apa2 d kemudian, br patah balik pastu pujuk lg, 'bule la ba rm8'..sometimes bila dia nmpk kesungguhan kita utk dpt brg tuh, dia akan lembut hati skit..hehe..make sure pkai duit kecik..

    kdg2 ambil smpai tiga item lebih murah..

    KK bundle teramat susa cari yg ada brand, klu jumpa pun yg ada brand cuma satu dlm berpuluh..yg ada brand nih pun slalu ada bila buka baru means dorg restock..Sinsuran kk hari khamis akan restock..bergantung jg seberapa kerap dan seberapa awal kita pigi, lagi kerap lg cerah peluang kita utk dpt yg brand..

    if mau yg ada brand, keningau dan tawau tempatnya..

    1. Thanks sis. Details betul sis terangkan ;)
      InsyaAllah akan dimanfaatkan tips2 sis ini.
      Thanks again sis :D

  3. siuk kn lina tawar menawar...aku paling suka tu..klu aku sdh tawar menawar jauh2 tu laki ku.hahaha.sbb aku klu menawar lipat 2 tu harga..(kwn ku yg ajar) hihi..smpai kadang pck/mck tu ckp x pulang modal..klu dorg x mkn saman aku pura2 lari..round dlu smua nti dtg blk p pujuk2..last2 dpt aku beli byk la jd x jg dia tekanan..sdh tu beli byk minta lg free gift..hahahaha...ada yg bg,ada jg x bg..huhh..

    1. kami laki bini mmg pembundle..jd klu laki ku suda al maklum hidup membundle nih..selagi ble tawar, tawar smpai abis..haha..

      klu mo save lg, pilih byk2, br kasi lantak arga..hahaha

    2. hubs aku pun gitu juga.. baru mo buka mulut tawar harga dia sdh lesap.. hahaha

  4. ko jua lah harapan!! true fashionista.. tiada brand pn boleh pergi!!

    1. haha..nda la smpai tahap fashionista..fashionista nda membundle ma..hahaha

  5. lelaki mmg gitu, simple, klu ble buka arga trus byr nda mo byk ckp..haha
